
This angel is especially pretty once framed, so I included one for your reference.

While I have an appreciation of cemetary photos depicted as dark, gothic and/or mysterious; I want to portray my cemetary from another perspective - that of light, hope, and peace.


2010 Bucket List (I need to watch that movie again)

1. 150 photos on BarefootPosse.etsy.com
2. create a handsome collection of assemblage art
3. create assemblage jewelry line
4. complete 1 large scale painting
5. post, promote, post, promote on etsy
6. spend more time with my kids creating (they too are artists at heart)
7. re-model the guest bathroom
8. replace flooring in my son’s bedroom
9. declutter and organize the homestead
10. clean up the sunroom, garage, and dining area
11. create and organize a studio space
12. budget better
13. read more
14. blog more
15. travel more
16. begin running again watch my food proportions loose weight
17. finish the birds and skulls ink around my cherry blossom tree (tattoo)
18. get the skull in the grass ink on my back
(shhhh, don’t tell my son though, he’s reprimanded me on this subject already)
19. figure out how and block the neighbors from piggy-backing on my wireless internet service
(I like ya – but I don’t like ya that much)
20. take my blood-pressure medicine like a good girl this year
21. recycle, recycle, recycle
22. save money for the a/c unit I will probably have to replace next summer-ugh
23. quit my day job
24. homeschool my last two
25. get an etsy interview for the “Quit your Day Job” blog


Castle Wolfenstein was created using a combination of several of my photos and a couple of layers. My son, Wolfgang, sitting over my shoulder in awe of photoshop the whole time, I have named this photo for him. I hope you enjoy.