
In business!

Today I am officially an "etsy" girl. I've got my work posted for sale and you can check it out at: www.barefootposse.etsy.com

I just can't express how excited I am about this venture and I've got to go now, because I have so much more to do with it!

I hope you take a moment to check out my etsy shop! Let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions!



etsy beginnings

etsy.com shop, phase 1: I have signed up for an etsy shop and opened a paypal account. My first features will be my photography, shown above. I am unable to print some of my larger scale photographs, so I am currently making inquiries with several professional photography studios in an effort to decide which will provide the best quality prints on the best quality paper. The goal: I'd like to have these prints available for purchase by the end of August at: http://www.barefootposse.etsy.com/

All original photography will be signed and numbered on the back of the photograph and the copyright mark will not appear on the original purchased piece.